Transforming Education Publishing – A Conversation with Piyush Bhartiya
Welcome to Beyond the Page, where we go beyond publishing to bring you thought leadership, insights, and stories from the heart of Integra...more
Swift AI Integration and Deployment with Quixl, AI accelerator. Request a Demo
Welcome to Beyond the Page, where we go beyond publishing to bring you thought leadership, insights, and stories from the heart of Integra...more
Senior Vice President – Key Account Management
In words of G.K.Chesterton “, The only way of catching a train I have ever discovered is to miss the train before.” In this first blog of our Modernization series, we discuss.....more
Marketing Team
Publishing has witnessed some very interesting and disruptive transformations over the years. In today’s digital landscape, the publishing industry is quickly moving from a book-based product model to a services-based.....more
Marketing Team
Artificial Intelligence has gained immense popularity in the recent decade. Machines are now able to mimic human intelligence processes with remarkable accuracy. AI has been widely used in many industries.....more
Marketing Team
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been pervading the digital publishing space quite effectively of late, easing out labor-intensive processes and streamlining several services across the spectrum, Natural Language Processing (NLP) is.....more
Marketing Team
Within digital publishing circles today — when you have terms like: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) thrown around ever so often, you would do yourself some good.....more
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The decade that went by has witnessed the spectacular rise of digital publishing, print-on-demand, and the independent author movement. To feed this explosive growth, several technologies and tools have been.....more
Marketing Team
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