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Publish 10X faster with the Ultimate AI-Powered Language Assessment Tool

30% Higher Acceptance: Explore Our Journal Publishing Upstream Tool for Lightning-Fast Peer-Reviews!

Looking to ramp-up your content review process? 

    iMLA: Bring Precision and Speed to Journal Publishing with our Content Editorial Tool

    In the rapidly evolving world of publishing, modern publishers face an array of challenges, from shrinking budgets to an exponential increase in content volume, creating roadblocks that impact cycle time and content quality. These challenges include decelerated editorial workflows, time-consuming desk reviews, manuscript rejections due to poor language quality, and withdrawal of impactful articles due to late issue identification. iMLA is a revolutionary AI-based language assessment tool that can streamline the publication process with automated power editing and manuscript assessment. This content editorial tool identifies and addresses issues early in the workflow. Additionally, its capabilities as a smart language assessment tool ensure manuscripts meet high language quality standards. Integrated smoothly with your submission platform, iMLA not only enhances editing and manuscript assessment but this manuscript assessment platform also sets new benchmarks for speed and precision, leading to a more efficient publishing process.

    Optimize Your Publishing Journey with the Ultimate Manuscript Assessment Tool

    Discover the Game-Changing Advantages

    Enhance Your Academic & Scholarly Content Review with Our Smart Language Assessment Tool.

    Accelerated TAT: 60-90 days to just few minutes.

    Increased Savings: up to 20x manual effort.

    Increased Acceptance Rate with accurate error detection.

    Consistent Quality Check: in-depth analysis of language and reporting.

    Round-the-Clock Support: dedicated assistance & support

    Intuitive interface: for easy navigation and quick adoption.


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